MISSION: To produce dependable
Power Generation, Long Term Economic Development, Environmental Clean-up,
Quality of Life Improvements with Sustainable Jobs Creation and Reliable
Electricity Production using Solid Waste as fuel Source.
VISION: To produce electrical power from waste and distribute it to commercial, residential, and industrial sectors. In doing so, our aim is to alleviate the power outage problems in Ghana, thereby boosting industrial productivity in the various communities while also helping with the waste management issues in the country
BENEFIT OF IMPLEMENTING RECYNERGY'S TURNKEY SOLUTION POWER PROBLEMS IN GHANAVISION: To produce electrical power from waste and distribute it to commercial, residential, and industrial sectors. In doing so, our aim is to alleviate the power outage problems in Ghana, thereby boosting industrial productivity in the various communities while also helping with the waste management issues in the country
- Zero-discharge, environmentally safe energy plant (No harmful emission of associated waste)
- Neighbor friendly
- No Curbside separation
- Production of 250MW of power
- Reduction in unemployment rate by creating 450 jobs (300 during construction phase of the plant and an additional 150 full time jobs during operation
- Clean Gasification Process "not incineration"
- Waste processed in enclosed facility